Music and spirituality have always been linked.
From African collective trances, to Amazonian ceremonies, to Gregorian masses and Negro spirituals, Man seeks transcendence and connection.
But what music should we play to connect with our modern interiority? In what setting? To explore what universal wisdoms?
I couldn't find an answer. So I created the Concerts Under Hypnosis®.
Geoffrey Secco

2006: Studies at the Berklee College of Music
2007 : Pascal Obispo's tour
2008: TV show The New Star
2009: 1st album Jam With The Electro
2010: Patricia Kaas' Tour
2011 : Concerts with Yannik Noah - stade de france & arrangements
2012: TV show Dancing with the Stars
2013: Charles Aznavour's tour
2014: Robbie Williams Promo Concerts
2015: 2nd album Element of sun
2016: Creation of Concert under Hypnosis®
2017 : Certified Hypnosis Practitioner
2018 : Concert under Hypnosis® tour