Join the Henri SELMER Paris workshops
Our jobs

Our metalworkers shape the components of the saxophone (the body, the bow, the bell and the neck) from brass sheets to give shape to the instrument. The metalworker is trained in specific operations such as flanging, stretching the instrument's chimneys, and working on the press.

Our machining operators are involved in making the small parts of the instrument through cutting, drilling, bevelling, stamping, milling, press-bending, etc… Some parts such as balls and screws are made by our bar-turning operators on numerically controlled machines.

Our welders fuse together metal assemblies or weld on pre-assembled welded assemblies. They intervene at various key stages in the manufacturing of our instruments to equip the metalworked elements of the instrument, plates and accessories. They adopt, with rigour and meticulousness, the standards and techniques to which they are specifically trained such as tin and silver soldering.

Surface treatment
On leaving metalworking, our buffers will prepare the parts for polishing by passing them over an abrasive belt. Our polishers carry out by hand various extremely precise polishing operations, positioning, holding and moving the parts in contact with abrasives. The learning of the gestures is based on a unique and traditional transmission of know-how. Our controllers ensure that there are no defects after polishing and sharpening.

Our engravers carry out, manually or by machine, with traditional engraving tools, the engraving finishes giving our instruments all their particularity. Our instrument fitters and finishers intervene with dexterity in the final operations of assembling, fitting, adjustment or function control of instrument assemblies or sub-assemblies.

Our wood turners trim the ebony squares, and carry out the operations of internal drilling of the clarinets. Our wood trimmers then carry out the wood treatment operations to remove the last imperfections of the wood, avoid cracks and seal the pores.
Join us
Designer and maker of exceptional instruments since 1885, Maison SELMER regularly seeks to enrich itself with multifaceted talents.
Our craftsmen receive comprehensive training in our trades: rigor, tenacity and meticulousness are the skills that will enable them to ensure quality work, to learn and apply operating methods within a technological craftsmanship environment.

our job offers

Spontaneous application
Our human resources policy

Recruiting to develop potential
We are committed to attracting and recruiting the best talents, regardless of their level of experience, to train them for our professions. Great manual dexterity, search for excellence, perseverance, initiative, allow each person to blossom and succeed. With this approach, we are committed to not discriminating on the basis of age, gender or any other individual characteristic.

Enhancing, perpetuating and passing on our know-how
Our know-how is the key to the excellence of our instruments. We preserve this heritage by developing and formalizing the learning and sharing of know-how, so that everyone can perfect their skills, learn to use their tools and become more professional. In this way, we give everyone the opportunity to follow a specific programme and to measure their progress and results. Thus, we cultivate the spirit of continuous learning and transmission in the service of excellence.

Training to develop skills
Training is an essential tool for the development of everyone's skills. During the annual appraisal, managers and employees discuss the development system to be implemented. The development plan meets both the professional aspirations of each person and the business challenges of the company.

Enhancing know-how and performance
We pursue a fair and motivating remuneration policy based on the recognition of know-how, individual and collective performance.

Achieving professional equality between women and men
Henri SELMER Paris is committed to achieving professional equality between the women and men in its teams. The professional equality index calculated at 31 December 2024 is 88 out of 100. Gender diversity remains at the heart of our employee development initiatives.

Encouraging social dialogue
We wish to encourage staff expression by developing a close dialogue between managers and employees, and with our social partners.

Building committed and passionate teams
We are committed to developing a management style that encourages authentic and close relationships, humility and a taste for success in a team, imbued with benevolence and high standards. A management style that gives meaning to each individual, and promotes the quality of life at work by creating the conditions for the well-being and development of teams. A management style that places personal fulfilment at the service of collective progress, where each individual puts commitment, passion and seriousness into what he or she does, with humility. To achieve this, we rely on 3 strong levers: support for managers, training and participative approaches.