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Welcome to the backstage of the SELMER planet, with those who make it vibrate!

Romanzen, le nouvel album de Nicolas Arsenijevic

Romanzen, the new album by Nicolas Arsenijevic

With Romanzen, Nicolas Arsenijevic and Françoise Buffet-Arsenijevic continue their exploration of German romantic music around a diptych, that of the Romances opus 94 (oboe and piano) and opus 22 (violin...

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The Sound and me | Doug O'Connor

The Sound and me | Doug O'Connor

Saxophonist Doug O'Connor pushes the athletic limits of his instrument and features music from all eras and in many styles, including classical, contemporary, jazz and electronic music. He strives to...

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The Sound and me | Antonio Lizana

The Sound and me | Antonio Lizana

Originally from the south of Spain, Antonio Lizana is one of the essential figures of the new generation of flamenco jazz. Saxophonist, singer and composer, the artist opens the doors...

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The Sound and me | Nicki Roman

The Sound and me | Nicki Roman

Prize-winner at prestigious competitions such as the North American Saxophone Alliance (NASA) Solo Competition, Music Teacher’s National Association Young Artist Solo Competition, William C. Byrd International Competition, Nikci Roman is...

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Hommage à Alexis Gruss, légende du cirque et grand mélomane

Tribute to Alexis Gruss, circus legend and great music lover

A great figure in the equestrian circus, Alexis Gruss died on April 6 at the age of 79. Circus director, internationally recognized Master Squire, clown, aerialist, but also saxophonist, the...

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The Sound and Me avec Jordan VanHemert

The Sound and Me with Jordan VanHemert

Korean American saxophonist Jordan VanHemert is renowned for his skills as a modern jazz improviser, composer and educator. Today he talks about sound and working on sound...

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Matthieu Delage revisite l'œuvre de Bach

Matthieu Delage revisits the work of Bach

The saxophonist's new album brings together some of Bach's greatest pieces, illustrating the Cantor's timeless character... An atypical project giving voice to all the facets of the baritone saxophone and...

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Les voies du saxophone, l'ouvrage de Claude Delangle

Les voies du saxophone, a book by Claude Delangle

Les Éditions  du Conservatoire de Paris present the tremendous story of the career of one of the greatest saxophonists in the world, who created or commissioned hundreds of contemporary musical...

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Le Quatuor Habanera joue ELEMENTUM de Vincent David

The Habanera Quartet plays ELEMENTUM by Vincent David

Commissioned by the Quartet in 2020, the piece was performed for the first time in its complete version in January 2023 in Washington as part of the Sax Symposium, then...

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6 doin’ jazz, dans les coulisses d'une tournée avec Émile Parisien

6 doin' jazz, behind the scenes of a tour with Émile Parisien

Available for free on YouTube, the documentary offers an immersive experience that transcends the simple musical framework. It invites us to follow 6 musicians evolving in the jazz scene, exploring...

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10 of 95 articles