Musiques actuelles

Adrien Besse

Adrien Besse

If he started playing music in the middle of the Limousin cows, it was at the Limoges Conservatory that Adrien Besse obtained the diplomas necessary for his musical take-off. He then went on to perfect his skills at the Paris Conservatory, then graduated from the State and now teaches at the Chevilly-Larue Conservatory.

Now a representative of the Henri SELMER Paris brand after having been its regular tester, former member of the Limoges Orchestra, he also plays with CLAP-FanfareImboscata and several wind bands. He travels the world thanks to the success of his musical comedy show “Les Sourds-Doués”.

Multiplying artistic projects, Adrien is a "jack-of-all-trades" and proves it by being also the founder and director of the production company Chapeau l'Artiste.


Photo credit: Anne Bied