
Greg Reynaert

Greg Reynaert

From the age of 10, Greg Reynaert studied music and the saxophone with Ernest Vermet, professor and director of the Municipal Academy of Music of Saint Pol sur Mer (59).

At 18, in parallel with higher studies in physical sciences, he met the man who predestined him for a brilliant artistic career: Harry Rajaobelison, famous double bass player and manager of a very popular Jazz club in Lille: "30 rue de Paris."

In 1995, he joined the famous music of the 43rd Infantry Regiment of Lille, as a solo saxophonist.

In 1996, he embarked on a professional career, multiplying musical projects, in particular the creation of the group Elijah (jazz fusion) thanks to which he made himself known in the "environment". It is then found in many musical groups, all styles combined, in France and abroad.

Greg Reynaert Tenor MarkVI and Soprano Serie III and Alto SA80SII