After completing classes at the National Conservatory in Lyon, Sylvain Malézieux was unanimously awarded first prize in the saxophone competition of 1995 in Claude Delangle’s class at the Paris Conservatoire. A student of Michel Moraguès and Lazlo Hadady, Sylvain Malézieux won the CNSM chamber music competition of 1996 and was granted admission to postgraduate studies. He was a finalist at the first European competition of Gap, France.
Sylvain Malézieux obtained the Higher Diploma of Music Teaching (the French “Certificat d’Aptitude”) in saxophone at the age of twenty and has been teaching at the Eure Conservatory (C.R.D in Evreux) since 1999. The music teaching centre (CEFEDEM) in Normandy has asked him to be a teacher trainer and he is regularly invited in various teacher training sessions (C.A , teaching days in Poitiers...), and examination juries (D.E - C.N.F.P.T - C.N.S.M.D in Paris).
As an orchestral musician, he has performed under conductors such as G. Benjamin, P. Boulez, J. Mercier, D. Kitajenko, O. Sallaberger, P. Rophé, Y. Sado with the Orchestre National de France, the Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio-France, Orchestre National d’île de France, and Orchestre des Concerts Lamoureux. He has also taken part in the German Schleswig Holstein Festival and plays with the Orchestre de l’Opéra de Rouen. In 2007 he performed in an event called “Folles Journées de Nantes”, playing the Glazounov Concerto with the Orchestre Régional d’Auvergne.
Since 2006 he has been the art director of the “Musiques à Brac” Association and has organized both training courses which are aimed at adult amateur saxophonists and the “Musiques à Brac” Festival in Pont de l’Arche (Eure).
Within the Habanera Quartet, Sylvain Malézieux plays a gold-plated SELMER Paris alto saxophone (Serie III), solid silver neck, with a SELMER Paris S90 170 mouthpiece.