Saxophoniste dont l'appétit insatiable l'emmène du jazz à la musique contemporaine, en passant par la musique classique, Vincent Lê Quang mène une activité de musicien complet, composant, improvisant, dirigeant et enseignant.
Vincent Lê Quang

Saxophonist whose insatiable appetite takes him from jazz to contemporary music, through classical music, Vincent Lê Quang is a complete musician, composing, improvising, conducting and teaching.
As a great connoisseur of soprano and tenor, Vincent Lê Quang has forged a style and sound recognizable among all.
As early as 1999, he discovered Soundpainting alongside Walter Thompson and very quickly integrated the contributions of this language into his written creations, always refining the expressive power of each of the techniques used.
He can be heard alongside Daniel Humair, Jean-Paul Céléa, Jeanne Added, Aldo Romano, Henri Texier, Bruno Ruder, László Fassang, in prestigious concert halls such as the Library of Congress (Washington), the Tchaikovsky Hall (Moscow), the Palais des Arts (Budapest), the Cité de la Musique (Paris)...
Since 2007, Vincent Lê Quang is professor at the CNSM of Paris.
Photo credit: Tauveron