French Fab, French industry on the move

The French Fab was launched in 2017 by Bruno Le Maire, Economy and Finance Minister, in order to unite French industrialists under the same banner and to promote French excellence and creativity internationally. This network of companies embodies the revival of French industry, an industry that is open to export and to the changes brought about by digital technology, new technologies and the green economy.
With nearly 500 employees, Henri SELMER Paris is one of the major employers in the Mantaise region (78). The company relies on a production site of 20,000 m² and a highly qualified workforce in more than 100 professions specific to instrument manufacturing. The SELMER house is very attached to the development of its know-how and is also committed to innovation and modernisation. It relies on cutting-edge technologies, Research and Development, to grow and meet the quality requirements of an international market (85% of production exported).
By joining the French Fab, Henri SELMER Paris commits itself to an ecosystem at the service of the French industrial fabric.