Safety measures: Henri SELMER Paris commitment

Protecting our employees
At the end of April, we redesigned our workshops in order to facilitate the application of barrier gestures and prepare for the resumption of activity. Relocation of workstations, ground markings, condemnation of certain accesses and equipment… Nearly 50 employees volunteered to adapt the workshops to safety requirements.
Some of our craftsmen were therefore able to return to work following a strict protocol: wearing masks, wearing gloves when necessary, distancing measures, frequent hand washing, regular disinfection of workstations and equipment…
We express our heartfelt gratitude to our employees for their commitment, rigour and efficiency. Thanks to them the manufacture of our instruments has resumed under appropriate safety conditions.
Cleaning and disinfection of instruments and accessories
Several tests have been carried out on different disinfectants to ensure that they do not affect the surface of the instrument or accessory. The Chambre Syndicale de la Facture Instrumentale has recently published a table providing information on the compatibility between disinfectant products and instruments/materials.
Before being shipped, our products are fully cleaned, disinfected with the appropriate products, and placed in quarantine.
Musicians welcome
Since June 2nd, we can welcome you again at the Henri SELMER Paris showroom.
For security and comfort reasons during your visit, access is by appointment only and according to a strict sanitary protocol.
One of our studios is dedicated to instrument testing, the second to cleaning and the other ones to quarantine. Before and after the test, the instrument is rigorously disinfected with a swab soaked in a disinfectant solution. The person in charge wears gloves, a visor, and records the date of disinfection in order to respect the quarantine period.
Together, let's take action to help musical activity resume safely.
► Make an appointment at Henri SELMER Paris showroom
► Go to the contact form