Born in Valencia, she completed his Clarinet high studies at Valencian Music Conservatory Joaquín Rodrigo under the supervisión of prof. José Cerveró, and continued her postgraduate studies with a wide range of excellent teachers as José Miguel Martínez, Ramón Barona, José Luis Estellés, Justo Sanz, Jean Louis Sajot, Yehuda Gilad…
Moreover she did her degree in Philosophy and Pedagogy at the Valencian University with the highest qualifications where she obtained the Prix of the end of degree. Besides she did her PhD in Music at the Polytechnical university of Valencia.
Since 1994 she is a Clarinet professor at the Lliria´s Music Conservatory in Valencia. She accompanies her artist activity with her work as a teacher, as well as giving master classes and courses.
She was the first woman who joined the board of ADEC ( Spanish Clarinet Association), organising congress and young clarinet players competitions. She organised and performed at the ClarinetFest 2015 wich taked place in Madrid.
From 2011 to 2016 she was Clarinet Soloist at the Valencian Orchestra Ensemble Musicae.
Since 2017 she is second Clarinet at the Valencian Comunity Chamber Orchestra.
As a very enthusiastic of the pedagogy she has promoted and managed all the music courses four Young people SM &MUSIC. She also organised and managed the National Clarinet competition “Llíria, Ciutat Creativa”.
On the other hand she founded and conducts the Clarinet Ensemble of the Lliria’s Music Conservatory, with an original educational program wich allow their young members to travel around Europe, working and playing Spanish and Valencian music specially arranged for Clarinet Ensemble. The Project offers the students the opportunity to increase their training in a pedagogical and artistic way.
María José Sanmartín is currently teacher at the Music Conservatory of LLiria, City of Music, in Valencia and second clarinet at the Valenican Comunity Chamber Orchestra.