Andrej Zupan, graduated and finished his post-graduate studies of clarinet at the Academy of Music of the University of Ljubljana in the class of Prof. Alojz Zupan.
In 1985 he represented Slovenia at the Eurovision Young Musicians concert in Madrid given by the best young musicians of Europe. At local international contests he won eight first prizes. In 1995 he was accepted into the Orchestre des Jeunes de la Mediterranée in France and toured with it through Europe and Africa.
He is now playing in orchestras giving numerous recitals and music chamber concerts in Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Austria, Italy, England, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Germany and USA.
From 1993 through to 2004 he performed as the Principal clarinet at the National Opera and Ballet House of Ljubljana. He is regularly working as professor at the Conservatoire of Music and Ballet in Ljubljana and as Full Professor at the Academy of Music of the University of Ljubljana.
He is leading seminars and master courses in clarinet and is a member of juries at the international clarinet contests. As a concertist and professor he is giving guest performances at numerous foreign universities (USA, England, Slovakia, Belgium, Serbia, Croatia and Italy). As a soloist, member of chamber ensembles and conductor he recorded 22 compact discs.