
Aysegül Kirmanoglu

Aysegül Kirmanoglu

Born in Istanbul, Ayşegül Kirmanoğlu started her initial studies at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University with Tülay Örser and Ahmet Ermakastar’s mentorship. Entitled by the British Government’s scholarship, she attended to the Aberdeen Music Festival. In 1985, entitled by the French government’s scholarship, the artist got into the Conservatory of Nantes and finished her studies ranking first in class. She had the chance to work with Mehmet Ermakastar, Alain Boeglin, Guy Dangain and Guy Deplus. In the same year, the artist won the first prize at International Léopold Bellan Competition. She did the first interpretation of clarinet concertos of composers like A.Copland, G.Finzi ve C.V. Stanford in Turkey. In 2001, she was invited to a seminar by the Foundation of Mediterranean Clarinetists in France.

In 2010, she recorded an album with flutist Sibel Pensel, conductor Naci Özgüç and Mersin Academic Chamber Orchestra. In the same year, she gave a concert at Season of Turkey in France organisation. Also, she recorded two more chamber music albums named Nice’tanbul and Trio Giocoso. In 2014, she won the Donizetti Classical Music Award for the Wind Instrument Performer of the Year organized by Andante magazine.

Ayşegül Kirmanoğlu gave many concerts in Turkey and also abroad in countries such as France, Russia, Switzerland, Belgium, Ecuador and China. She worked as a principal clarinet for many years at the Istanbul State Symphony Orchestra. She now pursues her career as a soloist and a chamber music artist.

Aysegul Kirmanoglu