Javier Espejo Plà was born in Liria, Valencia, in 1968. He began his musical career in the Banda Primitiva of the same city. He studied at the Conservatorio Superior de Música of Valencia (Spain), but soon moved to Madrid to be trained by José Vicente Peñarrocha, among other leading professionals in the field. He completed his higher education in music, specializing in clarinet, and becoming professor at the Conservatorio de Música Joaquín Rodrigo of Valencia.
The following years will be dedicated to improving his studies as a clarinetist with Jean-Louis Sajot (solo clarinet of the French National Orchestra), and to developing his calling to teaching with Lesley Schatzberger and Mark Withers.
Passionate about teaching, he obtained the C.A.P. training from the Universidad Complutense of Madrid, and in 1994 became part of the professional staff of the Red Municipal Music Schools of Madrid City Council, holding managing positions.
Since 2000 and up to the present, he has been professor of clarinet and secretary at the Municipal School of Music and Dance of Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid). In this school he carries out different projects, such as the one combining dance and clarinet organized along with the Conservatorio Profesional de Danza of Madrid, among many others.
He has collaborated and given hundreds of concerts with numerous groups throughout the entire Spanish territory, highlighting his active participation in ORTVE (Orquesta de la Radio y Televisión Española), the Orquesta del Teatro Real, and the Banda Municipal of Madrid.
Javier delves into jazz music with Bobby Martínez, Voro García and Joshua Adelman. Pedro Iturralde, to whose life and work he devoted a project in 2018, presented in Madrid and later in Liria (Valencia) with great acceptance from the public, is in the origin of this interest.
Active member of the Board of directors of ADEC (Asociación para el Desarrollo y el Estudio del Clarinete) since 2017.
Experiencing the fusion of classical music with different styles such as flamenco and latin rhythms, and implementing them in music teaching, is one of his great passions. Proof of this was the organization of the 1st flamenco course at the Escuela Municipal de Música y Danza of Pozuelo de Alarcón, with flautist and composer Juan Parrilla.
His only purpose? Bring an open and flexible vision of music teaching to his profession and be able to share musical and personal experiences worth keeping.
Photo credit: Fernando Sauce