
Gerald Preinfalk

Gerald Preinfalk

Gerald Preinfalk was born in Oberösterreich. He started in his village Zulissen as a clarinetist in the brass band. Curiosity led him to saxophone in jazz, contemporary classical music and composition including studies in Vienna, Berklee (Boston) and Paris.

He was a guest performer for the three big orchestras in Vienna: Wiener Philharmoniker, Wiener Symphoniker and Radiosymphonieorchester Wien (RSO). He also played with Tehran Symphony OrchestraEnsemble Modern Frankfurt and Neue Musik Ensembles in Vienna Area like Ensemble Kontrapunkte, Orjazztra Bigband with Christian Muthspiel, etc.

Since 2000 Gerald Preinfalk is a member of Klangforum Wien, one of the most renowned ensembles for contemporary classical music in Europe.

He has composed music for solo saxophone, quartet and saxophone orchestra, available at chilinotes.com

He plays with GeoGeMa Trio with Georg Vogel and Matheus Jardim, Prinezone Octet with Elina Viluma, Georg Vogel, etc. He is also involved in sideman band activities with Trio Paier-Valcic-Preinfalk.

He has recorded Fractal Beauty with Trio Giuffre Zone with Per Mathisen and Christoph Cech.

Since 2008 he is professor at Kunstuniversität in Graz (Austria) for classical saxophone.
He is the founder of the saxophone orchestra KUG-Sax-Sippia in 2010 for active students and alumni. 

In 2024 he founded the first Steirisches Saxophon-Festival in connection with the Styrian music school teachers for saxophone.

His Erasmus activities led him to give master classes in Ljubljana (Slovenia), Szczecinek, Wroclaw (Poland), Munich, Geneva, Madrid, Tianjin (China), Tokushima (Japan), etc.


Photo credit: Lucie Bigo / Henri SELMER Paris