Milano Saxophone Quartet

The Milano Saxophone Quartet was born in 2010 from the meeting of four young musicians from Piedmont, Veneto, Lombardy and Trentino.
The Milano Saxophone Quartet has been a vibrant part of the international music scene since 2010. Thanks to their studies under the guidance of renowned teachers in France, Austria and Italy, they developed a virtuosity and musicality that is 100% made in Italy, but appreciated without frontiers.
The Quartet have performed at the Teatro Civico di Alghero, Teatro Ristori di Verona, Teatro Dell’Arte di Milano, Teatro Vittoria di Torino, Belgrade Philharmonic Hall, Teatro Civico di Schio, Teatro Secci di Terni, Teatro Comunale di Vicenza, Teatro Zandonai di Rovereto e Filarmonica di Trento; for Festivals as MITO Settembre Musica, Musica Riva Festival, Alpen Classica Festival, Opera Estate, Società del Quartetto di Milano, Società del Quartetto di Vicenza, Società del Quartetto di Vercelli, Palazzo Marino in Musica, Lake Como Festival, Temporada de Musica da camera UTEM (Chile), Chile Saxfest, Vienna Saxfest, Musica Riva Festival, the Associazione Filarmonica Umbra and many more.
Interested in both classical and contemporary repertoire, the Quartet has premiered and recorded works by composers such as Mario Pagotto, Marteen de Splenter, Alberto Schiavo and Giovanni Bonato.
The Quartet recorded Musica Ficta for the ARS label and Rispetti e Strambotti for Amadeus Arte; they are also active in crossover projects with Antonella Ruggiero, Giorgia Antonelli (Strappatempo) and the Coro Sasso Rosso.
The Milano Saxophone Quartet: Damiano Grandesso, soprano ; Stefano Papa, alto ; Massimiliano Girardi, tenor ; Livia Ferrara, baritone.